Hey Everybody!!
We have 4 healthy puppies! There are 3 boys and 1 girl. They are doing great and all were born weighting over 1 pound each :) Your pups date of birth is January 28, 2022
Momma Sandy is doing great and taking very good care of them. I was able to get a quick photo of the puppies all nursing. You will see they already have their collars on. This is the color collar they will wear until they join their new families.
The boys are: Mr. Green, Mr. Blue and Mr. Yellow
The girl is: Ms. Pink
The next several days we will be with them 24/7 to make sure they are all nursing and gaining weight. Our first video will be posted either next Friday or Saturday to this blog.
Here is your first look at your new baby:
Have a great weekend!
Alyson Stuart
Southland Goldens
English Cream Golden Retrievers